Hi! I'd just like to give some feedback in regards to an in-person reading I had a few years ago. I've read Mark's books and I see sometimes where something he says doesn't make sense to the client at first and they write in later to explain how they were able to make sense of it. In my reading, Mark was able to connect with my partner in spirit, Nick. The first thing he got was a motor of some kind and I wasn't able to make sense of it. Everything after that made sense to me.
I wanted to write in to validate that motor. Nick, in the last months of his life, purchased a moped. He loved it so much and was so proud. I have a picture of him getting the moped. He said he was going to get me one so we'd ride together. After his passing, it just so happens (probably not by chance, I know) that the person who had purchased the moped was walking it past my house downtown as I sat on my porch. I spoke with them and confirmed it was his. I was happy to see how much the young girl who now owned it cared for it.
I do believe Mark was hearing Nick riding up on his moped! I felt so silly that I wasn't able to validate it in the moment and I feel silly that it took me this long to write it and validate, but better late than never, I suppose!
Thank you to Mark and his team. I appreciate what y'all do! Thanks!All I can say is I was not sure before today. I had my doubts. But as the saying goes in spanish, El que nada arriesga, nada gana. No pain no gain.
It was very interesting. Now that it is all done, I have to say, You were Amazing. I've consulted with other mediums, but they were nowhere near as good as you!
The moment you started talking in the session I felt it was worth every cent. I liked the way my session went. You were Spot On in All that you said.
I have my notes and after looking at them now after the fact a lot of what you brought up makes sense, to the point that its scary lol. Never in my 63 years have I experienced someone as good and clear as you are.
Thank You A Million times!I recently had a reading with Mark, and I have never experienced anything like that before. During my appointment, I was not only overwhelmed with emotion, but dumbfounded by everything that occurred. Mark was so accurate even I had to think at times how can this be? I’m still actually amazed at how spirit communicates with Mark, it’s pretty damn cool! Mark has brought me so much peace, so much joy, and so much love within my heart by connecting me with my mother (and so many others) as I had no idea they traveled together nor did I truly understand that I am never alone phrase until my appointment with Mark. I have so much I could say- thank you so much Mark for your kindness, for your compassion and for your help in bringing joy and peace to my heart and even more awareness to my soul.
Thank You for Bringing Joy and Peace to My HeartI loved my phone reading with Mark. What a wonderful man.
I have been looking back all afternoon at my notes and putting work aside which is rare! I am enjoying sharing w those in my life who understand these notes from loved ones we both know.
I plan to recommend him to many others who would be honored (like me) having such a gifted person bring messages from the other side!
I loved my phone reading with Mark!Let me express my appreciation for this group, and for Mark Anthony. There are a few things that convince me that Mark is the real deal. One of them is he does not seek a cult like following. Another is that he is very rational and takes an intelligent approach to the subject of spiritualism. He has a whole brain integration to his approach which I personally think is a mark of self actualization.
He does not seek a following, he is a guy who talks to spirits. That's about it. And gleans their wisdom and shares it with us. He is not into spiritual junk food. You will not find a Mark Anthony Tarot deck, or Mark Anthony Angel cards or the Mark Anthony method for achieving health, wealth and all your dreams fulfilled. He has a genuine concern for people and is a very caring person. I am proud to call him my friend.
I guess I can count on one hand the number of people I believe are truly gifted as a psychic, and not a charlatan, and Mark is one of those few. This group is good too. Either we are in grief over the loss of a loved one, or we will be in grief, so it is good to have a group of caring people to turn to. I do appreciate the group.
He is the Real DealMark I saw you when you were a guest on the Helping Parents Heal Zoom meeting and did a reading for me where he connected me with my son.
Prior to this reading I watched your previous presentation to Helping Parents Heal and I enjoyed your factual and scientific explanation re: energy is neither created nor destroyed, it transforms. And what you said about molecules, atoms, electrons, electromagnetic energy, quanta etc…I took many notes. I love your presentations because I am a skeptic and the more scientific evidence and facts and I like the way you present them makes more than logical sense to me.
My son was the Italian guy you said looked similar to movie star Anthony Perkins…I confirmed that’s what he looked like when I held up his photo.
Everything you read about my son was so Real and accurate. I didn’t get a chance to say just one more Very Important thing about a very specific fact that came through. You mentioned the name “Sparky” relating to a dog. I could not remember in that moment but about 5 minutes later, I recalled that “Sparky” is the name of my son’s stuffed DOG which he had since he was a baby. He kept it all his life until he was grown up and took it everywhere even to college and grad school.
I now have it on my bed and sleep with it along with my son’s woolen beanie on it. I think I didn’t remember this because I was trying to remember a “Real” dog! But then I remembered Sparky and a few minutes had gone by and you were doing another reading. I remember explained “the unfolding of information” which occurs after the reading. This is a good example of that.
I was so excited that I wanted to tell you! You were so accurate with that reading! Sparky, a dog but a stuffed dog/toy!!! Thank you so much for this reading!!! I know my son is here!!!How do I sum up the enormity of the impression your books have had on me? I will try. As being raised a Christian, I have always believed in God! As a human being, I have doubted / questioned a lot of the preachings, therefore as an adul , I call myself more spiritual-living happily a “do unto others as you would have them do unto you“ life. Loving and giving, helping others, human and animal alike brings me great joy and purpose. Yet , loving unconditionally? No , I may never be that enlightened.
Mark has so very well written many of my thoughts and knowings , better than anyone I have experienced before. Although I’ve never been afraid of death, the die(ing) part has concerned me. Now, with his words and my understanding, that too seems to have calmed. His experiences, explanations, comparisons and metaphors communicate so well to my head and heart. His explanation of afterlife makes the most sense I have ever read or heard. Life on this side is an incredible gift. May we use it well. Life on the other side, a forever blessing beyond my most incomprehensible dreams.
Your books have impacted my life!I would like to Thank you Mark. I was listening to Coast to Coast AM and called in. I was so surprised that I was able to talk to you.
I can't believe how quickly you got the information from the Other Side, and over the phone while on a radio show. Immediately my mother-in-law's spirit stepped forward. You verified how I cared for her when she was very ill. Everything you felt and told me was her.
My Brother-in-law's spirit was so energetic and lovely and you explained how he was confined to a wheel chair but he reached out to many people in need and everyone loved him his passing was so quick, unexpected. You had them both. Thank you it meant so much to me. I loved them dearly and was missing them so much. I love George Noory the host of Coast to Coast. He is a Light as you are. Thank You again
The reading you did for me on Coast to Coast AM.
Had a reading with Mark last night. He is awesome. I got a lot of clarity. He told me at the end of the reading that a lot of things which don't make sense will begin to unfold and become clear to me after the session. It's just so amazing what he says and then after you get off the phone I started to put two and two together and things added up. During the reading this Elvis song came to you, and at first I wasn't making the connection, but after the reading I listened to the song and the last lyrics of the song were, "I love you and I always will." OMG--that is what my husband always used to say to me. So then after that I was with my daughter and we were driving to the store. As we were parking a car pulled up next to me with the radio blaring and not only was that song playing but that exact line "I love you and I always will!" My daughter and I were freaking out! You told me about frequency beacons and how spirits will bring up past, present and even future events. What he does is amazing!
What he does is amazing!I want to thank you for the much needed peace. During my reading some things weren’t immediately clear, but after the reading everything began to unfold like you said it would. One was related to my niece who is alive and well, you said you saw the colors lavender and light pink with her and that those might be her wedding colors. She’s not sure of her wedding colors but amazingly enough when I saw her after the reading she had flowers that were lavender and light pink. She had just bought them!
The spirit of my cousin who died by suicide came through. You said his spirit indicated that he had tried 3 times to take his life. I kept saying "no" but it turns out you were right. You also felt that a car accident was one attempt and at the time of the reading I didn’t know that he was ever in a car accident. After the reading I called his sister and told her about this. She confirmed all three suicide attempts including the one where he did try to kill himself in a car accident.
It was so healing to hear from my parents and my cousin and it brought me so much needed peace.
Thank you for the much needed peace.Mark...you are one of the BEST!!!! I’ll NEVER forget the connection you made with my Mom...and repeating EXACTLY what I needed to hear. (On the ride to see you for the first time, in the car with my friend and my husband...I was asked who I hoped to hear from and why. I told them I wanted to know if she liked what I did with the diamonds. Explaining that I had given my engagement diamond and the engagement diamond that Mom had left to me, to my son, so he could have a unique ring made for his then girlfriend. We never spoke of that again )
When you spoke of the lady in front of you, in her ‘young’ 90’s’ and she said she loved what I did with the diamonds...I was blown away!!! Mom passed away at 91. That, and more messages from my cousin Carol and about my husband, who chose to stay in the lobby during our time with you...just cannot be explained any other way than by the Spiritual gift you have!
And I have read your books and ordered the same on Audible!!! Thanks for that!
You bring Peace...peace be with you alwaysI just wanted to comment on my experience last night here in Houston, as I didn't make the connections quick enough. It was the last reading of the evening and for some reason I did what Mark mentioned as focusing on one item of information and not unfolding the others.
There were main parts of info he kept repeating that others weren't quite connecting. He kept mentioning, the name Kathleen (my mom), Agnes (St. Agnes was the name of my grandmother's church, my mom's school, my grandmother is deceased) the name Daniel or Dan ( I dated a boy named Danny Ross, Ross is my mother's maiden name, again my grandmother and she loved him), the month of June (the month I was married), he said September was important ( I totally blanked out this is the month my son and brother were born), also pearls (my mom just showed us the weekend before my grandmother's pearl skull cap she wore at her wedding in St. Agnes), he mentioned changing college majors or something with writing at school ( my sister was with me and she majored in journalism but became a teacher, my son just switched his college path, and I had mentioned to Mark that years ago when I was trying to decide whether or not to go back to school, I had opened up a photo album and a letter from my grandmother dropped out with her words of wisdom which helped me to decide, and I forgot that I wrote a paper about his for my English class which had my professor in tears).
This was still an unforgettable experience and I don't know how after seeing Mark in action anyone could question that here is eternal life, spirit, and connection. Looking forward to his next trip to Houston. Thank you!
I sure wish I could have seen you Mark Anthony at Body, Mind & Souls this weekend in Houston, but had to work.
I have to tell everyone on here that I've had a few private readings with Mr. Anthony and I will have to say that he is The Best Psychic Medium I've ever had the pleasure and have been lucky enough to get a reading with!!!
If you need Help and want the Truth, Please book a reading with him. Worth every penny and also worth the time you have to wait for a reading. You Will Not Be Disappointed!!!
Hi! I'd just like to give some feedback in regards to an in-person reading I had a few years ago. I've read Mark's books and I see sometimes where something he says doesn't make sense to the client at first and they write in later to explain how they were able to make sense of it. In my reading, Mark was able to connect with my partner in spirit, Nick. The first thing he got was a motor of some kind and I wasn't able to make sense of it. Everything after that made sense to me.
I wanted to write in to validate that motor. Nick, in the last months of his life, purchased a moped. He loved it so much and was so proud. I have a picture of him getting the moped. He said he was going to get me one so we'd ride together. After his passing, it just so happens (probably not by chance, I know) that the person who had purchased the moped was walking it past my house downtown as I sat on my porch. I spoke with them and confirmed it was his. I was happy to see how much the young girl who now owned it cared for it.
I do believe Mark was hearing Nick riding up on his moped! I felt so silly that I wasn't able to validate it in the moment and I feel silly that it took me this long to write it and validate, but better late than never, I suppose!
Thank you to Mark and his team. I appreciate what y'all do! Thanks!All I can say is I was not sure before today. I had my doubts. But as the saying goes in spanish, El que nada arriesga, nada gana. No pain no gain.
It was very interesting. Now that it is all done, I have to say, You were Amazing. I've consulted with other mediums, but they were nowhere near as good as you!
The moment you started talking in the session I felt it was worth every cent. I liked the way my session went. You were Spot On in All that you said.
I have my notes and after looking at them now after the fact a lot of what you brought up makes sense, to the point that its scary lol. Never in my 63 years have I experienced someone as good and clear as you are.
Thank You A Million times!